A picture catalogued with the forename(s) and surname of the painter is in our opinion a work by that artist
A picture catalogued as “Attributed to”… is in our opinion probably a work by the artist
A picture catalogued as ”Studio of”…is in our opinion a work executed in the studio of the artist, probably under his supervision
A picture catalogued as “Circle of”… is in our opinion a work of the period executed under his influence
A picture catalogued as “Follower of “.. is in our opinion a work by an artist working in the artist’s style,
contemporary or nearly contemporary, but not necessarily a pupil
A picture catalogued as “Manner of”… is in our opinion a work in a style associated with that artist, but of later date
A picture catalogues as “School” accompanied by the name of a place or country and a date means that in our opinion the picture was executed at that time and in the style associated with that location
A painting catalogued as “After”… is in our opinion a copy of any date after a work by that artist
The term signed and/or date and/or inscribed means that in our opinion the signature and/or date and/or inscription are of the artist.
The term with signature and/or date and/ or inscription means that in out opinion that artist’s name and/or date and/or inscription have been added by another hand.
Dimensions are given in inches, height before width, and exclude frame unless otherwise stated..